
I have written a lot about goals, goal setting, goal attainment, discipline and self motivation. That doesn’t make it easier. I’ve recently come to realize that I am fairly disciplined – I know where my purse and keys are, I follow through with agreements I make and I’m respected at my job.

But I still feel that I’m not doing well with my writing goals. And that’s mostly because I’m not. Last year for the first few months of the year, I wrote every morning from 6:00-6:30 am. I was already at work alone- so that was an easy time to focus on my writing. I logged my time in a writer’s accountability journal. I was doing great until about April. Then things got too busy and I stopped using my daily writing time. Since then, I’ve restarted a few times, but I haven’t done much work. I’m still meeting with my writing partner once a month and when we’re together I set and meet goals.

So, what’s the problem? Is it fear of rejection? Lack of focus? The project? Too much time on Duolingo? Loss of discipline? I can’t figure it out.

How can I find out why I’ve lost motivation?

Or, is it writer’s block, a condition I refuse to believe is real?

I will persevere and start daily writing for at least 30 minutes- starting today. Pray for me in this season. Mahalo.

What do writers talk about

My writing partner (the inimitable Jacquolyn Mcmurray) and I were talking about books the other day. (Everytime we talk, we talk about books.)

I was telling her about Story Genius and how much I’m learning about plotting from it. She was wondering if she should buy another copy in paper back, since she has one on her kindle.

“I like to keep my craft books with me, but I can’t lug them all around,” she said.

“But you can’t make notes with a black pen in the margins,” I said.

“True, and I still haven’t learned to highllight,” she added.

We talk about books. And writing books.

We sometimes talk about marketing, Amazon and our families, but usually about writing.

Just as I have more books on my “Want to Read” list than I may finish in this lifetime, Jackie and I have more ideas for stories than we can even start in this lifetime.

Get writing!

To write a book, you have to write!

I know it sounds obvious, but there are so many other activities that are connected to writing, they can sometimes distract us.

Planning is good, but don’t forget to write.

Reading is excellent, but don’t forget to write.

Blogging and social media posting are important, but don’t forget to write.

Yes, this is for you, but mostly for me.

I’ve been working hard on book 2 in my MG (middle grade) series, but now that the first draft is done, I’m looking at my copy of “Nathan Bransford’s novel outline spreadsheet”, my braid from my Laurie Schnebly class, my character notes, and my revision notes.

This is all good, but I need to break out of planning mode and get back to writing. Before I’m done today, I’m planning to write for thirty minutes and focus on a new subplot.

How to improve your writing

Writing is a skill and like all skills, it gets better with practice and understanding. My friend Jackie McMurray (who is retired) takes a lot of writing classes and she talks to me about them all the time. I don’t have a lot of time to take extra classes, so I glean what I can from her, nod and smile. But then, she told me that one of her favorite teachers, Laurie Schnebly was offering a free Saturday morning class. One short class and no homework.

She offered “Creating that Fatal Flaw using enneagram types” on zoom. I was able to join in my pajamas while still in bed. And I discovered what Jackie was raving about. This woman can speak clearly and concisely about fiction writing. I learned so much in just three hours!

And then, I won a free class. Wow! I took “Your Plot/Character/Story Braid” and after 10 weeks, I had an outline for my next book.

Here’s the best part- all of the lectures are delivered by email. So you read the information when you have time and do the homework. If you get your homework in on time, she reads it and gives you feedback. Very clear, experienced, excellent feedback. Amazing! No zoom, no classes to schedule around. This is just what I needed.

I recommend her highly. Check her out –

2022 Fresh

I hope and pray that your 2022 is off to a fresh start.

I typed shart instead of start- oops! 🙂

My 2022 writing life is going most excellently. I set a goal to really write daily and found the time in the morning between 6-6:30 am. I’m already at work by that time and alone in my classroom. I don’t allow myself to look at email or news and I just write. In January, I was able to write a 10,000 word “zero” draft of book 2 in my middle grade series.

I call it a zero draft to give myself full authority to just write and not worry too much about it. The first draft is really the first revision.

But, I’m pretty happy with this draft because I had it fully planned!

I took a class (Laurie Schnebly’s braiding) in August online and was able to plan the plot and character.

I can’t explain how good this feels!

Now I’m braiding the 3rd book in the series and then will revise book 2.

Right now, I’m at a writing retreat in Kona with Laurie Schnebly, Jackie McMurray and 6 other writer ladies.

What is fresh for you in 2022?


Starting in 2020, I began taking my reading more seriously. I’ve always been a reader, but I got serious about reading in specific genres and tracking books read at

If you are reading this and aren’t my friend on Goodreads, please find me there as Kristin Noelle Wolfgang. I’d love to see what you are reading!

This year, I read 30 books and met my goal.
I read 4 main genre.
Christian/Memoir, Middle Grade, Jodi Picoult and Writing Craft. 

I read three Christian Memoirs.

Never Let Go

How (not) to Save the World by Hosanna Wong, Never Let Go by Mac and Mary Owen and Still in Beta by Paul Pippen. The first two are traditionally published and Still in Beta was self published. The first two I recommend whole heartedly. Two of the best Christian Memoirs I’ve read and I’ve read about 12. Still in Beta has a great testimony but it needs editing and revision. Like some self pubs, it needs some professional work but could be a great book.

I read ten Middle Grade novels, five that are Newbery Award or Newbery Honor winners. All of these I read with my fifth graders, both in whole class read aloud and in small groups.

Since I write Middle Grade, I love that I can read these books for my vocation as well as my avocation. The kids really love these books as well. Since we have to wear masks for COVID, I use CDs of the books to save my voice. The kids love this too. The professional actors do different voices, there’s background music, and more.

Here’s the list: Newberry’s: Maniac Magee (Spinelli), Holes (Sacher), Rules (Lord), Bridge to Terabithia (Paterson), Hatchet (Paulsen), All five quite amazing in their own right. Bridge is my favorite to read. Maniac and Holes also are great movies that are fun to watch with the kids after reading the books. Rules is very relatable for kids. Maniac most overtly deals with race issues. Hatchet has a ton of sequels and kids just fall in love with Gary Paulsen and his writing style.

Speaking of Gary Paulsen, I noticed that he was releasing a few books this year and did some research on him. I discovered he was eighty and wondered if he was trying to release any and all of his books in case he died soon. I read My Life in Dogs (I already had a few of the chapters that he released as individual mini books) and Gone to the Woods. As soon as I finished Gone to the Woods and the day after our class finished reading Hatchet, dear Mr. Paulsen passed away. In class, we read a few chapters of my Life in Dogs to memorialize him.

I highly recommend My Life in Dogs, but Gone to the Woods would mean the most to die hard Paulsen fans.

I also read the Junior Version of Call of the Wild (London), Tracker (Paulsen), There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom (Sacher), There’s a Tarantula in My Purse (Craighead George).

Note that any books by these authors are also quite awesome. I hope the kids will recognize and read these authors in the future.

Then there’s Jodi Picoult. I’ve read that she strongly dislikes the label of “Women’s Fiction” and I agree. There isn’t men’s fiction, is there? Just because a woman wrote it, why does that matter? Why are we dividing genre by gender? So I’m making her genre her own. Especially since she is so amazing, she can have her own shelf. I discovered her in 2020 when I read Leaving Time and Small Great Things. This is also around when I discovered Audible. Oh, books read aloud to me while I walk or do stuff around the house! This is the secret to meeting my 30 book goal. Love it!!

So, after reading those two of Jodi’s books in 2020, I jumped right into 2021 and read 6 of Picoult’s finest this year. I started with the Book of Two Ways, Second Glance, The Song of the Humpback Whale, Plain Truth, Lone Wolf. And I finished with Wish You Were Here, her ode to Covid that rocked my world.

Alright, there’s a few more slots on my list. I didn’t read much about the craft of writing this year, but I read and used my Emotional Wound Thesaurus (Ackerman and Peglosi) more than ever, both in my writing and in teaching about writing. Oh, and I used it to study what Picoult did in Wish You Were Here. I also read Structuring Your Novel by Weiland. Great help in writing!

I read and reviewed Wanted: A Groom for Christmas for my friend and writing partner, Jacquolyn Mcmurray. This is a light hearted sweet romance that will bring you to the islands. Check it out!

I also read Promised Amish Bride (Perry), because why not? Amish, romance, fun.

I can’t forget the amazing Paul Theroux. I read Under the Wave at Waimea, a great novel about the surf culture on the North Shore of O’ahu (where Theroux currently lives.) I love this book, but beware of listening to it read aloud. I can’t imagine how this happened, but the reader, Jim Meskimen, read the Hawaiian words terribly. This is a big deal and I have no idea why it wasn’t corrected, but it wasn’t. So, if that bothers you or if you don’t know Hawaiian pronunciation, don’t listen to this version.

I also read On the Plain of Snakes, A Mexican Journey, a travel narrative of late 70ish Paul driving a car around Mexico meeting people and talking to them. Incredible. And the Audible version has great Spanish pronunciation.

Let’s see, what else?

Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah- loved it. Great characters. I want to read more of her work.

The Bible. I’m always reading this, but last year I joined a group and we’re reading through it together chapter by chapter. Not completed yet though.

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears (Mengestu). I read this at the request of Natalie Goldberg when I took her online 8 week class. I love her. I enjoyed the book although it is a bit outside of my favorite zone. The descriptions of Dupont Circle in Washington DC are beautiful and haunting though.

The Welcoming by Nora Roberts. This is what I consider Romantic Suspense. It was fun to listen to, exciting and romantic. The lead male is named Roman Dewinter. How sexy.

Red Sky Over Hawaii by Ackerman. This beautifully told story is set in the town of Volcano where I live. I listened to it with my daughter on long drives on the island. We both gained a new understanding of World War Two and its effect on the islanders. But it is also romantic and very enjoyable. I want to read her four other books!

And that makes 30 books read!

Did you read any of these books? Which is your favorite?

End of 2021

Can you believe:

  1. It’s nearly 2022?
  2. I’ve been blogging for 11 years?
  3. My daughter tested positive and then negative for COVID?
  4. I’ve been sitting at my computer for an hour and haven’t started my planned three hours of writing yet?
  5. I have goals for 2022?

Can you imagine:

  1. I read about one third of the books I read using Audible?
  2. I read 25 books so far this year, but hope to finish 5 more before Saturday?
  3. There is snow on the mountains in Hawai’i?
  4. I have two books in draft form, one in planning and one on the “back burner”?

Did you know?

  1. I’ve been writing with Jacquolyn Mcmurray since 2000?
  2. I have a non fiction teacher’s book that was published by Corwin Press in 2005?
  3. I have 5 grandchildren and 4 children?
  4. I live in the town of Volcano, next to Volcano National Park on Hawai’i Island, Hawai’i?
  5. I was born in Pennsylvania.


Kristin Noelle Wolfgang, writer and teacher

Your Friendly Malaysian Writer

Malaysian author and storyteller

Writers In The Storm

A Blog On Writing


School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Above and Beyond Home Repair

Get it done right the FIRST time!

Compose Yourself

"It was daisies for love...we did that too"